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Soyez parmi les gens chanceux qui obtiennent le livre d'un auteur célèbre maintenant. S'il vous plaît bienvenue CAR DESIGN AMERICA Oui, c'est une sorte de livre populaire pour être le best-seller et mis à jour aujourd'hui. Lorsque vous avez prendre soin de ce genre de sujet, vous devriez obtenir comme votre ressource. Ce n'est pas une publication que vous avez besoin, mais en plus une publication qui est si fascinant.
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Le CAR DESIGN AMERICA comme l'un des éléments proposés a été écrit afin d'exhorter la vie des gens. Il est vérité au sujet de ce qu'il faut faire et aussi ce qui se passait. Quand une personne demande quelque chose, vous ne pouvez pas être si difficile après avoir obtenu de nombreuses perceptions et les leçons de l'examen des livres. L'un d'eux est ce livre. Guide suggère un à être des sources de livres pratiques.
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Détails sur le produit
Relié: 392 pages
Editeur : teNeues; Édition : 01 (14 juin 2012)
Collection : Ultimate books
Langue : Anglais, Allemand, Espagnol
ISBN-10: 3832795960
ISBN-13: 978-3832795962
Dimensions du produit:
20,3 x 3,8 x 24,8 cm
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946.076 en Livres (Voir les 100 premiers en Livres)
When a European architect writes a book about the evolution of American car design the odds of failure are very high. This book shows just how bad the results can be.80% of the space in this large book is taken up by stock advertising photographs, mostly in half-page, full-page, and two page sizes. The remaining 20% is text, presented in English and German. This gives the author limited space (10%) to present his analysis. There is nothing new in the text for readers already familiar with the history of the U.S. auto industry. Readers without this background will be lost in a flood of cryptic references and thumbnail sketches.The author's thesis is presented in one confusing table in the introduction without any explaination. It is difficult to relate the table to the organization of the book since most the phrases in the table aren't used in later chapters. The author wastes much of the text displaying his knowledge of pop culture and social and political trends. He seems more interested in creating clever phrases than in conveying any useful ideas about the topic of the book.The author's companion volume on European cars may be good but this one is a disaster.
Excellent service prompt delivery great price for a very nice book
My book is written in English and German language. Why not Spanish? The advertisement says "Car Design America: Myths, Brands, People (Inglês, German and Spanish"
Paolo Tumminelli opens this exhaustive chronicle of the Car with the statement, 'America didn't invent the car but it did invent car culture.' And form there throughout this luxurious book CAR DESIGN AMERICA; MYTHS, BRANDS, PEOPLE he intersperses more facts about the history not only of the automobile per se but also the variations in style and design that seem to endlessly change. For the historian this book is fascinating as printed in English Spanish and German with enough factual data to saturate the curiosity of the career car people. But Tumminelli doesn't stop there, as this book is as much about car culture as it is about the vehicles.The book is divided into chapters and the titles give a fine idea of how complete the survey of car culture is: America, Mainstreaming, Populook, Rocket Rolls, Straight Cut, body building, Mod Baroque, Kandy Cars, Hit Fit, Newstalgia, Drive Out, and Register. Yes, there is considerable humor here but as informative and entertaining as the writing in this book is, it is difficult to take the eyes away form the endless pages of brilliant color photographs that follow history, time-wise, and developments of station wagons, Hummer, Jeep, SUVs, pickups, and the consistently impressive array of gorgeous, sleek, sculptural cars in vivid colors. From the wild bunch of designs such as Thunderbird, Corvette, Mustang, to the elegance of Cadillac and Buick et al for unadulterated extravagant style, it is all here and generously shared And the manner in which each of these alternative choices for transportation is delivered includes methods of design to the types of advertising and psychological impact.This is yet another great art book from teNeues Press, known for their elegant handling of topic and details. No car lover should be without this impressive and fascinating book! Grady Harp, July 12
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